Digital Library

The digital library merges the main aspects in the discourses on teacher education and the expectations of role and competencies of teachers in the countries and generates a compendium of scientific papers, which will be guidline for the development  of (re-)qualification programmes in the future on a sound theoretichal basis. Since such programmes might as well be brought out by other stakeholders than universities, the digital library secures, that responsible people there can get themselves well informed not only on practical requirements but on a professional basis in teaching and working professionally in schools.

The library also serves internationally trained teachers attending the existing programmes to deepen their knowledge on standards in the countries they immigrated in.

The digital library reviews the scientific discourse in literature, deduce essential topics that should be known by all who provide (re-)qualification programmes in a paper and provide readings in a sense of a digital library as much as by self-written summaries that ease the understanding of scientific discourse and the experiences from the project well together.

The Interviewstudy is provided in English, German and Swedish and can be downloaded here:

English Version

German Version

Swedish Version